January 2019 Newsletter

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Hi friend,

Here we are again! The start of a new year. I love the enchantment that a new year brings! New hopes. New dreams. New goals. A fresh start.

But with those aspirations comes a bit of anxiety. I need to write my personal goals and my family goals and my ministry goals… like yesterday… if I’m really going to be awesome this year!

Do you feel that same internal struggle?

Some of my greatest dreams and struggles right now are tied to the dream in our heart to write a book.

Book Update

So, you might ask, “What’s new with the book?” I’m currently working on a chapter that walks with parents through using prayer and scripture to firmly establish their lives in Christ before trying to lead their children spiritually, much like parents are to put on their own oxygen mask first before putting on their children’s. This will be the fourth chapter we’ve written, and these chapters are the bedrock for our book. They really provide our framework for walking with families through building their vision for what the Lord wants from their family.

I must admit, It is easy for me to get stuck in my head and hear: “This has already been done. No one will read this. You’re not getting it right.” And to want to drag my feet in the writing process.

But then I hear of a mutual friend who is having a baby this year, and she asks my friend what resources exist for expecting parents to grow in spiritual and relational areas as a couple before their baby comes. Then I see a friend post on Facebook that her focus for her family this year is to be intentional with her young family and has anyone read a book that helps families in this area. And, late on a Saturday night, I received another request to be a guest speaker for a local moms group.

There really isn’t time for dragging my feet. Families need and are looking for these resources now!

Big Thinking

You know, I said at the end of 2018 that the one thing I did not want to take with me into 2019 was “small thinking.” I wanted to leave that back in last year and really think BIG about all that I do. I thought that big thinking would look like setting high numbers for total newsletter sign-ups this year or Instagram followers (which I do want to push myself in those areas!) but what the Lord revealed to me this morning was that leaving behind small thinking is leaving behind my thinking – the kind that is full of doubt and fears. The Bible says we are to have the mind of Christ and that, my friend, is about as big as it gets!

            What "small thinking" would you like to leave behind in 2018?

            And, what big thinking will Christ lead you into in 2019? 

As you consider what this year will hold for you, I humbly ask that you continue to pray that John and I would experience supernatural grace during the weeks to come and that we would be faithful to heed the Lord’s voice and quickly act on it. We covet your prayers! 

Happy, happy New Year! 

Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (or all three!). Do you know someone who would  like some inspiration? Please pass this email along!l
Copyright © 2018 Dr. Laura Arnold, All rights reserved.